Sunday, February 28, 2010


The week came and went there was no update, but the money is coming in slowly. We haven't seen the big money come in yet, but we are praying and believe it will come.

Within the IPHC these last 10 days, 11 000 Australian dollars has come in. Yuppie. That is so amazing. We are still in need of 30 000, so it's an exciting time we're in. We as a class have prayer together for finances every day, and the following day telling about the what we have received. It's so awesome. God doesn't fail.

Another fantastic thing, is that I got another nephew Haakon. He was born on the 18th of February, and it was quite dramatic. My sister in law is still on antibiotic because of the infection she got, but is recovering. Glory to God.

As a base we've done some evangelism in an area called Cottesloe, and this last Thursday we had open air. Many people came and wanted to know what we were doing there, and a person gave his life to Jesus.

On the 28th of March we're going to Mexico City. Not quite sure which are we're going to be in, or what specifically what we're going to do. But there is still plenty of time to know that =)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

2.5 million Australian dollars

Oh yeah. Within the next 7 days the YWAM Perth base needs 2.5 million dollars (13.750.000 Nok) to come through to do a down payment on their first purchased property...... We have been doing pledges, some people has fasted and a lot of prayer. It's exciting, and it will be awesome to tell you all how thing have gone and how God has provided this. (Faith!!)

As a school IPHC we need about 41.000 dollars to go to Mexico City and this has to be payed by the 10 of March. We are rejoicing everytime someone gets money. Sometimes this comes in by donations. William who is from Vanuatu, received 35oo (19250 Nok) dollars the other week toward his school fees. He was in awe and couldn't believe it, walking around with a big smile on his face. Who wouldn't =)

We are all waiting for a miracle to happen concerning our finances, knowing that God is faithful.... it's always a bit intense while waiting.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The flame goes forward!

That was the slogan for the 50th YWAM celebration that we had here in Perth last week. It wasn't only a 50th celebration, but YWAM Perth had it's own 25th celebration. Lots of people from the area around came, teams that are located in other countries came to be a part of this celebration. Lauren and Darlene Cunningham, whom are the founders of YWAM were also in our midst. All in all there were about 700+ people during that week.

Lauren took us through some of the YWAM history that has been significant during these last 50 years. One of the biggest ones, is of course God's FAITHFULLNESS. My attitude toward this whole celebration wasn't the best, because I haven't been part of this base at all. And the second day while sitting in the auditorium, the Lord said: "You are like the young Israelites in the desert. They had not been part of the stories like the separation of the sea, and the other stuff and had an attitude. Yet it's part of their history, and they needed to know it - so that they could tell their descendants about it." I repented of my attitude, and then all of a sudden the celebrations were so much more pleasant =). Realizing yet again that attitude so often change our view on what is reality.

After the 50th celebration, we had YWAM Perth 25th celebration. Things were more relaxed, and we had a lot of fun. Went to Queens Park, where we had a bbq, went to the Oval to play some footie.... We also had some time in the auditorium, where there was reflection on God's faithfulness with YWAM Perth. Shirley Brownhill, which is the base director, had an awesome teaching alongside with the regional leader Steve Ahern. Go + Do+ Obey was their exhortation to us. That we do have the power of God in us, believe that you have it within you.... Very encouraging teachings.

And this week life is back to normal. It's good to be back in the classroom again with my fellow students. This week we have had Dr Sunnetha with us. He and his wife work in India with Hiv/Aids. They used to work with people with Leprosy, but then God called them to start a clinic for Hiv/Aids. The first thing he told us was: "It is a privilege to work with the sick" this shows his and his wife’s heart. It has been all about that this week, his humbleness and love for these people that has this disease. He gives them hope.

We have HOPE and LOVE to bring people of the world!