Saturday, February 13, 2010

2.5 million Australian dollars

Oh yeah. Within the next 7 days the YWAM Perth base needs 2.5 million dollars (13.750.000 Nok) to come through to do a down payment on their first purchased property...... We have been doing pledges, some people has fasted and a lot of prayer. It's exciting, and it will be awesome to tell you all how thing have gone and how God has provided this. (Faith!!)

As a school IPHC we need about 41.000 dollars to go to Mexico City and this has to be payed by the 10 of March. We are rejoicing everytime someone gets money. Sometimes this comes in by donations. William who is from Vanuatu, received 35oo (19250 Nok) dollars the other week toward his school fees. He was in awe and couldn't believe it, walking around with a big smile on his face. Who wouldn't =)

We are all waiting for a miracle to happen concerning our finances, knowing that God is faithful.... it's always a bit intense while waiting.

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