Thursday, December 23, 2010


It will be a white Christmas this year, the weather is a bit cold - but beautiful. The sun is shining and the snow is "squeaking" when it's being walked on - that is what I call a White Christmas.

My parents and I will celebrate Christmas with my oldest brother and his family this year, New Year will be celebrated with my sister and her family. They live in Oslo, and have very graciously opened their house for me until a door opens for a place to live/stay since I’ll be moving and living in Oslo for the next 3 years because of nursing school. Exciting and a bit nerve wrecking.

Don’t know much about the school yet, but have been told that they have small classes and there will be good opportunity to be interactive in the class. The school has opportunities to do some assignments overseas (something that I’ll of course look into =) ) which is not a shocker to anybody who knows me LOL.

The school starts 5th of January, and will end 18th of December 2013. Hm, seems long – but it’s almost 2011. Time goes by so fast, and I do believe this is the next thing God has for me. And before I know it I’ll be out on the field again. Yet I was told yesterday, by a good friend of mine, that I need to keep in mind that wherever I go is a field to do what God has called us to do. The school now is the next field/season, and He will receive the glory.

With these few words,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!

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