A lady was admitted on the 2nd of November, because she needed a c-section because of complications at home. The babies hand came out first, and they had tried to deliver it - and it didn't work. So she came and they had to do surgery on her, and unfortunately the baby was stillborn. Because of the long delivery, her uterus had tore - so they had to do a hysterectomy. This lady had complications in her belly after the surgery and hadn't eaten solid food since before the surgery. She was very week, but needed a bath. I lifted her onto a wheelchair, and then we took her to take a bath. After the bath she slept for some time, cuz she was totally exhausted. We got some soup and bread for her, so that she could gain some strength - but she hardly touched it - too week.
I talked with a doctor, and asked him to have a look at her. They had stopped her meds, because she couldn't pay. It was obvious that she had an infection, and I asked the doc to give her some - and that her bill would be taken care of. She was given antibiotics on the spot. This was right before the weekend, so I'm not sure how she is doing now. But will go have a look on Monday.
Another lady came in with a very low blood value (Hb; 2,1) technically she should have been dead. Normal value for a fertile lady is 11,7 - 15,3. Yes very pale and very sick. She received blood, which has to be given by either a family member or someone that are willing to give. Sometimes there are ppl that make money out of it, and charge a lot - and then ppl can't pay and the sick ones dies. But there are solutions also, they can take get a paper from the hospital and go to the military and find someone with the same blood type and then they give them a meal as payment.
Anyway - this lady was given 2 l of blood before they dared do anything. And then they realized that she was full of cancer and that there was nothing they could do. She was told that when she had finished the SAG (bag of blood) she would get some meds and then go home. The family was told that no surgery would help nor any meds, but that they should go home and get a priest to prepare her. It took some time for them to understand what was going on, but when they did - they didn't look at us anymore. She left a Saturday!